15 Best Ludo Apps for Android (Multiplayer) (December 2023)

When you want to play games with your friends, you need the right apps to connect you with them quickly and help you play. Sometimes, the best way to enjoy gaming isn’t on your own but with the people around you, laughing, hollering, and cheering each other on as you go.

Ludo, also known as Parcheesi or Pachisi, has been a classic game since the 1800s and remains popular today, played by families worldwide. Whether you’re looking to pass the time with friends or just in it for the competition, all of the below listed ludo apps can be played against friends and strangers alike, as well as users from all over the world—it’s always fun to challenge someone on the other side of the world!

Ludo is a multiplayer game where each player has 4 tokens, and the objective of the game is to move all four of your tokens from the start to the finish line through four turns of play before your opponent does. The rules are different than traditional Ludo because it’s played with Android smartphones rather than physical pieces on a board. Instead, you and your opponent will use your phone to play against each other, making real-time moves so that you can see what your opponent does and vice versa.

Unlike previously, there is no chance of cheating because the coins are tossed randomly, and there is a possibility for everything.

We’ve put together this list of the best ludo apps to play with friends on Android, so you can find out what works well and which apps are worth spending money on when playing with your friends or loved ones.

15+ Best Ludo Apps for Android to Play With Friends in 2023

Parchisi STAR Online

Ludo App Parchisi STAR Online

Nowadays, it’s hard to find a person that doesn’t have a smartphone in their pocket. A recent study showed that about 75% of the world population owns a smart device – and that number is only going up. It should come as no surprise, then, that there are tons of different apps out there designed specifically with gamers in mind. One such app is Parchisi STAR Online Ludo Apps for Android. If you’re not familiar with the game ludo, it consists of two people taking turns rolling dice and moving around a board trying to get all their pieces home before the other player does. If you’ve played this game before on your phone, you know how great it can be for passing the time during long waits or taking care of some mindless work.

Ludo Empire

Ludo App Ludo Empire

Ludo Empire is a free multiplayer game that is fast-paced and easy to pick up. You can play with people from all over the world and compete in real-time. There are tournaments you can enter if you want more of a challenge, but you don’t have to. Plus, it’s totally free, so there’s no harm in downloading it! It’s perfect for any family night or gathering where everyone wants to get involved and enjoy themselves.

  • Connect through Facebook or an email address
  • Game speed adjusts depending on the number of players
  • Lots of options for difficulty and playing mode
  • It can be played online or offline
  • No cost
  • Easy to use
  • Great for children
  • A trendy option among parents looking to introduce their kids to games

Parchis Classic Playspace game

Ludo App Parchis Classic Playspace game

Parchis Classic Playspace is one of the best ludo apps for android because it has a free and paid version. The free version has ads, but the paid version does not. Parchis Classic Playspace is also good because you can play with your friends online. All you have to do is invite them through Facebook Messenger or by sending them an email invitation. If they accept, they will be added to your contacts list on the app. Then, all you have to do is press their name and choose whether or not they are a new player or an old player. For new players, make sure that they agree to use Google Duo video call before starting the game because that’s what the app uses for video chat.


Ludo App Ludo STAR

Ludo STAR is a free multiplayer game that you can play with friends. You have the option of playing against the computer or against other players. The game will track your moves, as well as those of your opponents, and show you who’s in the lead. This is a great app if you’re looking for something simple and straightforward that doesn’t require too much strategy.

Ludo SuperStar

Ludo App Ludo SuperStar

Ludo Superstar is a multiplayer ludo app. It features classic board game gameplay with some added twists and turns. The goal of the game is to be the first player to get all your pieces home. You can play with up to 4 players on one device and you can choose between 4 different difficulty levels. The game has an attractive interface that makes it easy to play, even when using a touchscreen device.

Ludo King™

Ludo App Ludo King™

Ludo King is an addictive and fast-paced game that can be played with two or more players. There are three different ways to play the game: Pass ‘n Play, Single Player Mode, and Multiplayer Mode. In Pass ‘n Play mode, one player passes the device around so everyone has a chance to play. In Single Player mode, you go through multiple levels of difficulty until you beat the game. You will get help from the AI system to make sure your game doesn’t get too hard. In Multiplayer mode, you will have either 3 rounds or 5 rounds. After each round, players add their tokens to the board based on how many they have in their hands. The last person whose turn it is starts by rolling a die; this determines what they need to do with their turn.

Ludo Talent – Game & Chatroom

Ludo App Ludo Talent - Game & Chatroom

Ludo Talent is an app that lets you enjoy the classic game of ludo with friends and strangers. You can chat, play, and send messages from anywhere on the app. The interface is simple and user-friendly. Plus, there are no ads or in-app purchases! The app also allows players to earn points by playing with other users on the app so they don’t have to spend any money! It’s a cheap way to get your fill of ludo multiplayer games. – it might be due to too many background programs running.

Parchisi Club Online – Ludo ++

Ludo App Parchisi Club Online - Ludo ++

Play the classic board game, Parchisi Club Online, with friends! Join up with other players and take turns rolling the dice and moving around the board. The first player to get all their pieces around the board, or close enough, wins! Use a game of strategy and luck. You can’t see your opponent’s moves, so you’ll need to keep an eye on what they do next if you want to win!

Ludo Master™ – Ludo Board Game

Ludo App Ludo Master™ - Ludo Board Game

Ludo Master is a fun and interactive board game app that lets you play with friends from all over the world. This app is one of the best ludo apps because it has a great user interface, features excellent animations and sound effects, and is easy to use. Not only can you play against other people, but there’s also an option where you can play against the computer.

Rush: Ludo, Carrom Game Online

Ludo App Rush Ludo, Carrom Game Online

Rush is one of the best ludo apps that you can find on the Google Play Store. If you’re looking for a game to play with friends, this is it. It’s quick and easy to get started, and there are plenty of options for playing different ways: against an AI opponent, against other players in real time over the internet, or even against your friends who are sitting right next to you.

Super Ludo Multiplayer Classic

Ludo App Super Ludo Multiplayer Classic

The Super Ludo Multiplayer Classic app is a great way to play with friends. It has all the fun of the original game and it’s social. You can chat with your friends while playing, have up to four players at once, and there are even some extra game modes like marathon mode or an endless mode where you just keep playing until you lose. There are also tournaments where you can compete against other players around the world.

Ludo Games: Win Cash Online

Ludo App Ludo Games Win Cash Online

Ludo Games: Win Cash Online is a simple, easy game that anyone can play like every other ludo game. The rules are as follows: Players take turns rolling the dice and moving their pieces around the board. If you land on another player’s piece, you get to knock them off the board. If you land on one of your pieces, it stays put and you get to continue rolling. The first person who gets all four of their pieces in a row wins! the best part of this game is that this is totally free and you even can win cash while playing this game.

Ludo Comfun Online Live Game

Ludo App Ludo Comfun Online Live Game

We’re all familiar with the classic board game of Ludo Comfun Online Live Game, Many of these apps are multiplayer, so you can go head-to-head with a friend in a quick playtime. The most delightful ludo board game is Ludo Comfun. You may play this ludo new with actual and international gamers. Ludo has a lengthy history; it was found through the Indian game Pachisi. Ludo is now a well-known and popular game all over the world. It is a game that the royal monarch enjoys playing Ludo is a traditional Indian game that you may enjoy with your friends, family, and children. Ladoo games may transport you back to your youth. If you wish to be a leader when playing ludo against the computer, your friends, or other people, These games will connect to Facebook, while others require only one player.


Ludo App Ludo

Ludo is a two-player game that has been around. Ludo is a fun multiplayer board game that may be played with two, three, or four people. It is the most popular and enjoyable family and friend game. Ludo, with its lucky dice rolls and strategic tactics, is a mind-expanding game. This fascinating 2D Ludo game has long been known as the greatest game to play in our leisure time. The game can be played with any number of players and any object that can be used as dice, but the most common form of ludo board is circular with six rows and six columns. Players take turns rolling a die in order to move their pieces around the board. It’s easy enough to learn how to play, but mastering ludo takes time.

Ludo Club – Fun Dice Game

Ludo Club - Fun Dice Game

The finest online ludo software for playing ludo with pals is Ludo Club! Your quest for multiplayer ludo software to play ludo with pals has come to an end! Time will fly by as you play this SUPER ludo online game, conversing and enjoying yourself with friends while mastering all the abilities required to become a ludo star! Dive into the world of this fascinating online ludo game – take part in weekly tasks, defeat ludo masters from across the world, and collect colorful dice to show off to your friends!

Conclusion: Best Ludo Apps for Android to Play With Friends

Playing the game of Ludo with friends is a great way to socialize and have some fun. With the advent of technology, there are many apps you can use on your phone or tablet that lets you play games with other people in real-time. Here are the best apps available right now. Ludo is one of the most popular multiplayer games for Android devices. It’s easy to learn and includes both single-player and multiplayer modes, so players can choose which mode they want to play. This app has been around for many years, so if you’re not into new apps this might be perfect for you! As always, if you ever have any questions about what’s going on in the world of mobile gaming, feel free to ask us and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible!

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