Professional Mobile Phone Client Software Apps like SuperLive Plus

Mobile Phone Client Software Apps

If your place is equipped with CCTV cameras, you must know the importance of surveillance software. Hence, to make your process of security strengthening more smoother, you have SuperLive Plus. The app has tons of unique features, along with robust security servers. The app ensures you don’t lose out on any updates of your place.

Swish Eye Home Security Cameras

If you don’t have the budget to install CCTV cameras, this could be a great hack. The swish eye is an app that lets you reuse old smartphones as home security cameras. The app has various features such as live monitoring, 24/7 HD monitoring, unlimited storage, a QR code scanner, a remote toggle camera, and many more. Also, you can use this app as a baby monitor, pet monitor, or security camera. There are tons of objectives that can be fulfilled using the app. So think twice before you trash your old smartphones as it could turn out to be a useful investment to setup a new CCTV system.

Eufy Security

Another great app on the list is Eufy security. This app is also filled with tons of functionalities. One of the remarkable aspects of the app is that it has a fantastic UI. It is straightforward to use the app as it has no prerequisites. The app also provides a home security report which is essential if you’re away from home for a long time. Also, you can find entry sensors, video, alerts, events, security, and other functions which make it even more useful considering that you’re setting this up on a unused old smartphone.



If you have an IP camera with some unique function, then you must get Eye4. The software is impressive in terms of usability. Also, it supports various functions such as snapshot, record, talkback, and more. The app supports mobile terminal capture and video storage as well. The picture quality is impressive and it doesn’t feel like a recording instead it makes you feel like a live feed.



The new UI design of the YI IoT makes sure that you browse the camera in card mode efficiently. However, it is essential to note that it supports international YI IoT cameras. Considering that it has two-way audio speaker, makes it even more versatile as compared to its counterparts.


There are a plethora of apps like SuperLive Plus in the market. However, the surveillance camera app must be reliable and trustworthy. It should have various competencies like compatibility, security, and privacy. Thus, for a better experience, you must get SuperLive Plus download app as soon as possible.

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