What the Tech? A few tech gadgets that could make good holiday gifts for teens | What The Tech?

Teenagers and young adults don’t have to be that hard to buy for. You can scroll TikTok to see what’s trending, or you can check out these tech gadgets.

Believe it or not, kids have discovered some old tech their parents used. Vinyl records and turntables are red hot and most would love to get their hands on some records and something to play them.

Audio-Technica turntables are a fine choice and are well respected by audiophiles. Others like the Stir it Up turntable by Marley have their own pre-amp and can stream music to wireless speakers. They look classy too.

You can find vinyl records at bookstores and most retailers. But let me suggest shopping at your nearest independent record store. Pick up something new, and something vintage.

Even if they have a Bluetooth speaker, they’ll probably love another for a different location.

The Bose portable speaker is waterproof and small enough to take anywhere. Or everywhere.

The Soundcore Rave Party 2 is a party speaker, loud, with great bass and lights that jump to the beat.

And if they want to jazz up their room or gaming area, check out the Nanoleaf and Govee light panels. They’re bright, can be arranged in different ways, and set to different colors. And yes, they also change to the beat of the music. If they’re on TikTok they’ve already seen these lights.

Best of all, these gadgets are almost always on sale during the holidays.

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Laser Cut Zither Instrument Kicks It Old World Style

Learning to play an instrument takes a certain level of dedication — and you can add another layer of dedication on top of that when it’s an instrument not found at your local Guitar Center. But it’s an entirely new level of dedication when someone crafts the instrument from scratch. […]
Laser Cut Zither Instrument Kicks It Old World Style

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