Compose Multiplatform Made easy with Circuit | by Eric Ampire | Feb, 2024

If you’re an Android developer, whether you’ve been one for a few years or just a few weeks, Jetpack Compose needs no introduction. It’s a moderm toolkit built entirely in Kotlin, recommended by Google for building Native UI on Android, and its main purpose is to accelerate the development of Android applications.

And since Jetpack Compose’s appearance, the interest in taking advantage of its benefits on platforms other than Android began to be felt more and more, which is what motivated Jetbrains to use the power of the Kotlin language, which already works well on platforms other than Android, to bring Jetpack Compose to platforms other than Android, and that’s when Compose Multiplatform was born.

As you can imagine, Compose Multiplatform lets developers reuse build the user interface once, and use it on all platforms — Android, iOS, web, and desktop. Save yourself the effort of keeping different UIs in sync, and get your app into the hands of your users more quickly.

In a nutshell.

  • Kotlin Multiplatform : Kotlin Multiplatform allows you to create applications for various platforms and efficiently reuse code across them while retaining the benefits of native programming. Your multiplatform applications will work on different operating systems, such as iOS, Android, macOS, Windows, Linux, and others.
  • KMP or Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile : Kotlin Multiplatform dedicated only for Mobile Development (Android and iOS)
  • Compose Multiplatform : A Kotlin Multiplatform version of Jetpack Compose

Circuit is a simple, lightweight, and extensible framework developed by Slack for building Kotlin applications.

And as you’ll have noticed in the rest of this article, Circuit uses many of the Jetpack Compose mechanisms, but this doesn’t quite answer the question of what Compose Multiplateform has to do with Circuit.

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