A Nordic route into wireless transceiving

A Nordic route into wireless transceiving

By Antonio Velasco, it was actually to build a weather station as part of UC Irvine’s Open Project Space. But he wanted to experiment more generally with comms for applications involving the use of outside sensors or controllers. Basically, it’s an introduction to Nordic’s single chip 2.4GHz ISM transceiver for ultra low power networks…

He writes:

“The nRF24L01 module is a component that allows for wireless communication between two separate Arduino boards. It utilizes the NRF24 radio transceiver and, on a PCB, attaches to an antenna to create a functioning radio transceiver. It uses a 2.4 GHz band and baud rates of 250 kilobits per second, 1 megabit per second, and 2 megabits per second. It typically performs best at a range of up to 50m, but with low interference, it can possibly go much further. I’ve been able to have it work outside of my dorm while having the receiver inside.”

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Apple halts smartwatch sales and replacements in the US

Apple fans hoping to snag the latest Apple Watch under the Christmas tree will be disappointed as the Series 9 and Ultra models are no longer available online or in stores due to a legal issue. Additionally, repairs for older watches may be delayed due to reported service limitations. Following a legal […]
Apple halts smartwatch sales and replacements in the US

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